The substrate of the panel is a lightweight and flexible cork material. He bends perfectly, but does not deform. It is easy to cut and Attach to any surface. Glued to the substrate stabilized moss.
The main advantage of the product is its efficiency in terms of compared to vertical gardening on the whole wall. 1-2 is enough panels on the wall to completely update the interior of the room, make it more relevant and trendy.
Yes, that there is a wall! Flexible panels decorate columns and even Sphere. It is an ideal decoration for residential and office space. Exquisite, but not pretentious. Fashionable, but not flashy. Because products made of natural materials will never be kitsch – they bring beauty, peace and positive emotions.

Ready-made flexible panels made of stabilized moss you can buy in of our Studio. Product sizes: 30×30 cm, and weight – total 0.5 kg. They are easy to glue to the wall yourself. And that the best part: they will serve as a real decoration of the room 5-10 years. How is that possible? Modern technologies Yagel stabilization allow you to get durable and beautiful the final product. We'll talk about how it works next.

Imagine that you cut in the garden and put in a vase of water beautiful flower. With elastic stem & tender petals saturated color. The flower feeds on water for 3-4 days, and then begins fade. Thus, the nutrition that ordinary water gives him, enough to keep a fresh look for several days. If replaced water with a special saline solution that will nourish the moss, term in a few days you can extend up to 10 years. And at the same time, yagel is not will lose its appearance and will not require additional care. Of course, if manufactured in compliance with stabilization technology. Just such moss uses Studio Zelenka for the manufacture of wall panels from Stabilized Moss: Regular, beautiful and durable.

For many years we have been cooperating with reliable European suppliers, which produce high quality stabilized moss. Along this is why our panels last for years, and at the same time look like new!
But quality and affordable price are not all that we guarantee. In assortment of the store – dozens of colors to create real Masterpieces. You can buy several panels of different shades green or order a colored product. We stylize the jagel panel under reproductions of your favorite paintings and children's posters with cartoon characters. Ordinary moss gives to our designers huge opportunities for creativity! See examples of their work, surely you will have interesting ideas for the future picture.

By the way, 30% of our customers buy panels as a gift, and then come back to us, buy the product for themselves. Because despite the busyness, hassle and stress, we all want to come to cozy and elegant house. Work in a beautiful office, the atmosphere in which disposes to productive work and creativity. In other words to see beauty around you.
If you live in another city, make an order by phone or on website, and get your beauty in 2-3 days. She will come in the branded cardboard box. Such material does not deform over time Transportation and reliably protects the product from possible damage.
All colors are available.