We invite you to come and under the guidance of an experienced master create your own masterpiece. The finished product will be great decoration in any interior, whether it is a living room, a living room or kitchen. And very soon this decoration will stand in your House!
We will dedicate you to all the subtleties of fixing plants, tell you how take care of it correctly and pay attention to typical mistakes, which inexperienced designers allow when creating scenery from Yagel. And, of course, we will give you the finished product that you you will do it yourself! By the way, for the same money you can buy a similar product with stabilized moss in our Studio. But to learn how to make it yourself is much more interesting, Really?

Paintings measuring 16x16cm – 600 UAH.
Paintings measuring 40x40cm – 2400 UAH.
Paintings measuring 55x55cm – 3000 UAH.
Please note: for this cost you learn how to make a product and take it with you.
By the way, such a master class will be a great gift for creative people. natur. Surprise a friend or loved one – buy for them gift certificate for master classes from Zelenka Studio! We are we offer certificates at prices similar to the events described: 600, 2400 and 3000 UAH
Apply now! Come with children and do this day is interesting and informative. A lot of fun and Wonderful gift with your own hands guaranteed! And even if you for a long time in the design business, for sure you will discover new nuances, which will help to create even cooler and more original!
All colors are available.